In 1580s, by the order of Dalai Lama first temple of Erdenezuu monastery was built on the ruin of Mongolian ancient capital Karakorum.  By 1792s, there were 62 temples, over 500 buildings nearby. The monastery was registered in “Heritage of Mongolia” by UNESCO. Today:

Dalai Lama temple exposes 13 “nagtan” images of Mahakala, six images of 12 Dalai Lama's emanations and copper image of Under Gegeen Zanabazar, first leader of Mongolian Buddhism.

Shorgoogon Fence made by larch without using an iron nail symbolizes to protect the monastery from outer and inner enemies. Also it did not let many people and livestock come in the temple during major religious festivals such as Tsam dance and Maitreya's procession.

Tsamba temple devoted to deity Tsamba, has three rooms. Four Lamas used to occupy each room to recite certain sutras.

West Zuu Temple was built by wish of Abtai Sain Khan, his son Ereehei Mergen's queen Suntaihu and Holoch Darhan noyon's mother. Three Buddhas in the center of the temple are Kasyapa, Shakyamuni, Maitreya.

Middle Zuu Temple was built by Abtai Sain Khan on 15th of mid-month of the summer of fiery male dog year in old Takhai place.

East Zuu Temple was built in request of Tusheet Khan Gombodorj and his queen Khandjamts. There are three statues and Janraiseg, Buddha Shakyamuni, Je Zonkhapa.

Ayush Temple was dedicated to Amitayus Buddha, in the past monks would recite sutras in each rooms. In general, Mongols used to create Buddha in many ways. There are appliques, wall images dated to the 19th century.

Golden Stupa is a type of Bodhi stupa and is located on one plate surrounded by eight smaller stupas. The stupa was dedicated to the 4th Bogd. There is a Lamp temple on the entry of the stupa, inside of which ceremony of offering of lamps used to take place in four auspicious days of Buddha. Buddha image is inside the shrine with its original consecration. This is the highest and biggest stupa in Mongolia with a height of 13 meters.

Blue Temple is unique construction of the temple roof without any nails can easily be seen from inside the Blue temple and is considered one of the first temples of the monastery.

Janraisag Temple contains tankas, appliques, Tsam dance masks; brocaded images of Buddha.

Laviran Temple built in 1969-1973 which is considered as unique Tibetan styled temple in Mongolia. In here, Buddha’s images, appliques, drum, bell, vachra and embroiders.

Ulzii Khutagt Ground is in the heart of the monastery which was once a yurt of Abtai Sain Khan. 200 people could stay in the yurt.