The national park is about 100 km south-west of Ulaanbaatar. Highest point is 1842 meters. There are over 10 pure water rivers, populations of Asian red deer, steppe gazelle, deer, boar, wild cat, wolf and lynx, 126 kinds or birds, 450 floras. In between 1992-2001 wild horse known as Takhi was reintroduced from Holland into Khustai National Park. A total of 84 Przewalski wild horses were brought 4 times. In the beginning of 1900s, wealthy zoo director from Hamburg in Germany came to Mongolia and bought 51 foals of wild horse and sold them to a wealthy people in Dutch, French, and America. Thus, Mongolian wild horses have been living in European countries since 1903. This wild horses exporting business was successful in Europe but Przewalski wild horses in Mongolia, motherland of wild horse, was extincted by 1960.

Now in Mongolia, there are nearly 350 numbers of wild horses. In order to protect the wild horses, Khustai Mountain became strictly protected area. Thus, many tourists like visiting the national park to see Przewalski's horses and another wild animal such as deer, marmot in the park.